Re: Happy Birthday

I'll put an anniversary notice in IRISES. Thanks for the history.

>    bTwenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that
you didnbt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.
Dream. Discover.b
> b Mark Twain

> On Aug 22, 2014, at 5:40 AM, "Robert Pries " <>
> August is The Iris Encyclopediabs Birth Month. It is a rambunctious 5 year
> old. Happy Birthday wiki! There is fair evidence that more people now seek
> their iris information from our wiki than from Davebs Garden another wiki.
> Within the last year use has grown 36% and continues to grow. People from
> whole world contribute to the wiki and use it. It should be a source of
> for AIS to be providing this service.
> In 1920 John Wister, president of the new AIS, wrote of creating an AIS
> library. He wrote at length of what it should contain and hoped that it
> be a traveling library, so that many could look into it. Little would he
> that we can now bring great parts of the AIS library to the entire world
> the wiki.
> The early AIS also paid subscriptions to The Flower Grower for all its
> members. In turn The Flower Grower published many articles on Iris and the
> Iris Society each issue serving as the Societies monthly newsletter on top
> the AIS Bulletin. Today we have News & Notes. B  B  The Flower Grower also
> served as a monthly forum for the Gladiolus Society and the Rose Society.
> hot bnewb idea for non-profits today is bpartneringb. It is ironic
> that AIS did this from its beginnings.
> I think this is a lesson in what can be accomplished when we work together.
> The 650 plus contributors to the Encyclopedia can be proud of what they are
> achieving. We welcome everyone to help. It will not be long before the
> Encyclopedia will be celebrating 10 years and that will be the same time
> AIS is 100 years old. Think about how you would want the future to look and
> help us record it on the Encyclopedia!
> --
> Bob Pries
> Zone 7a
> Roxboro, NC
> (336)597-8805
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