Re: Iris Awards Announcement Postmortem?

I assume the whole announcement will be officially documented in the fall issue of  IRISES with photos?
I can download the PDF


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"A good head and a good heart are a formidable combination."
Nelson Mandela

> On Aug 14, 2014, at 2:01 PM, Wayne Messer <> wrote:
> My compliments as well to Gerry Snyder, John Jones, and Robert Pries for
> making these announcements rapidly available.  I think they have done a
> great job under conditions that have markedly changed in the last few years.
> With the changes in how Awards are announced and the information shared, is
> it time to review what we do and what we want to accomplish?  Do we have
> postmortems on happenings like this to prepare for the next time?  I'm not
> sure where we might do this; so, here are my comments.
> I assume everyone has seen the notice and the PDF list on the AIS website,
> the notice and the Iris Encyclopedia page, and the News & Notes Special
> Edition.  If not, here is the AIS Awards page:
> the 2014 PDF list:
> the Iris Encyclopedia main page:
> the Iris Wiki 2014 Awards page:
> My understanding is we are attempting to release the information in the
> following order:
> 1. Notify the winners
> 2. Announce it to AIS members
> 3. Spread it on social media to potential members
> 4. Make the general public aware to increase their interest in irises
> With the speed of social media, following this order is becoming more
> challenging.  Does this mean we need to change the order or how we do
> things?
> Are there other categories I am missing on this list?  Would garden writers
> or other news sources be something to consider?
> Some general and specific comments:
> News & Notes: Unfortunately, I do my best thinking after the fact, and I
> don't think they warrant a remailing, so am recording suggestions here,
> hopefully to be considered next time :)  The excitement of award time may
> be a good time to interest people in membership or becoming a judge.  I
> would not do a hard sell; but having a link to becoming a member and
> becoming a judge could encourage people.  We could do something like this
> in the future, either just links in the Quick Links in the left-hand column
> or an expanded mention of the judging and membership benefit.
> Similarly links to judging and membership could be incorporated near the
> award notices on the AIS website and the Iris wiki.  Are there other topics
> that would naturally go with the awards?
> Pictures are one of the major draws.  Should we be selecting favored
> pictures early from the Iris Encyclopedia for all the Medal nominees so we
> are prepared?  (Maybe we are already doing this.)  Would a color PDF,
> offered as an option, on the AIS website be useful?  I do like the
> incorporation of an iris logo in this year's PDF.
> Cross-referencing and cross-posting:  Having it on World of Irises and the
> AIS Facebook page is good.  Thank you Andi for getting this up so rapidly.
> And I liked the expanded posts on each winner that the World of Irises had
> last year.  Are there other social media we should include?  Are there
> links between the AIS website notices and the Iris Encyclopedia pages that
> should be added?
> Visibility:  Having the News Flash on the main Iris Encyclopedia page is
> good for raising awareness of the awards.  And having the News entry on the
> AIS website telling about it is also good.  Is there some way we could have
> a News Flash or something on the homepage?  Are there other announcements
> that should/could go out?
> Follow-ups?  Not sure what I would suggest here.  The World of Irises
> series is very good for extending the interest and something we can point
> to with subsequent News & Notes issues.  And which is cross-posted to
> Facebook as they occur.  Are there any other events or news releases based
> on the awards?
> Again, my overall conclusion is we are doing a good job under increasingly
> shortening timescales.  And I would like to learn where we might improve,
> obtain additional benefits, and apply lessons to other areas.
> Thank you for your suggestions and comments.
> Regards,
> Wayne Messer
> News & Notes
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