Where Could We Promote Meetings to Non-Members?

We recently put together a list of the Fall Regional Meetings so that AIS
members would be aware of meetings in surrounding regions they might also
want to attend.  It is in the most recent News & Notes.  If there are ones
I have missed, please let me know so they can be added.

Another audience could be non- or future AIS members.  Do we have many
non-members attending or interested in attending meetings like these?  Are
they open to non-members?

Which brings me to the question of how could we make non-members aware of
something like this?  Maybe Spring Meetings and Conventions as well?  Since
News & Notes and the Irises Bulletin are members only, I would not count on
them.  Do we have a mechanism in place?

Thanks for your suggestions and comments.

FYI - Here is the link to the Fall Meetings table in case you are sharing



Wayne Messer

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