Re: Private; Videos snipits for Robert Pries

Janet: I am sorry to not get back to you sooner, you have no idea how bad my life is this last week or so. I have a dog dying of cancer and between trying to keep him loved, comfortable and diagnosed I am just a psychological mess and have been at veternarian offices more than not. We have have to put two other dogs down this spring and trying to make the decision of when to terminate something you love has taken a toll. I am afraid my patience has worn a bit thin and probably should not be responding to any e-mails and especially when they are complaining people who have not contributed to solutions but delight in creating problems. I am not talking about you. It is sad to see a director comment about problems when they have missed more meetings than they have been at and have never bothered to find out much information. I greatly appreciate your asking about the videos. I need to work on a proper list but essentially we are trying to duplicate some of the types of things s!
 een in the daylily video. In otherwords clips that say convention, judges training, garden touring, showing. I feel like I am in sensory overload right now. Besides the dog I am trying to learn all new programs on my computer and trying to keep all the other balls in the air, The encyclopedia has had some fits I needed to fix. Why does everything come at once. I hope you are doing much better than I am.

----- Original Message -----

What type of videos are you looking for I have several from VHS that
are not digital.


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