Re: Foreign Registration Fee
I suspect that the Board action on foreign registration fees is going to lead
to the AIS losing its appointment as the international registrar. Were I a
foreign hybridizer I would be outraged. We had agreed to perform a service and
have been doing it fairly for ;nearly a century. I love AIS and irises ;and
this is very sad for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jill Bonino <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 15, 2011 2:24 pm
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Foreign Registration Fee
It was my understanding also that the Board's approval of a $15 registration
or foreign registrations was to be in addition to what they already pay to
heir country's registrar.
While I know it won't be popular with the foreign hybridizers that they in
eality will be paying more than domestic hybridizers for this service, the
s that to process a foreign registration does cost more than a domestic
egistration. It has for many years, but the AIS has been paying for it at the
xpense of the domestic hybridizers. As Treasurer, we cannot afford to do this
ny longer.
----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pries <>
Sent: Aug 12, 2011 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Foreign Registration Fee
We all know about the law of unintended cosequenses. No matter the reality
appearance is that AIS is trying to balance their books on the backs of the
Foreign Hybridizers. The Foreign Hybridizers are having to pay more than the
USA hybridizers. Of course the motion actually said it wanted something fair
but your interpretation does not come out that way.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Jones" <>
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 12:17:55 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Foreign Registration Fee
No, that is not the interpretation that the Board intended. In the
discussions, the fee was intended to be in addition B any fees charged by the
Associate Registrars.
On Aug 12, 2011, at 8:41 AM, Robert Pries wrote:
The motion made by the board this Spring was; That foreign registrants pay
the same registration fee as US and Canadian Registrants pay. Fee to be paid
in USD, effective August 1, 2011 . Motion carried . B B Since the fees
collected by The assistant registrars in each country have been given to them
for their services acting as collectors and translators B B I would take this
to mean that AIS would have to return the amount to those assistants that is
under the price of registration and in some cases pay the additional amount
the were receiving to the assistants. The Foreign registrants fee should not
increase but in several cases may decrease because it will be the same as USA
registrants according to the motion and AIS will owe the respective
those lost funds.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Jones" < >
Cc: "Mike Lowe" < >
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:14:52 PM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Foreign Registration Fee
I have been in discussion with Michele Bersillon concerning the new fee for
foreign registrants to pay the same fee as North American hybridizers and her
request to register directly with the AIS since she is an American national
and files completely in English.
I have previously told her that she would need to continue to file through an
associate registrar and that as to the fees. If the country registrar charges
a fee, it is in addition to the fee required by the AIS.
Her most recent response is below and as the world wide registration
for non-bulbous irises, the AIS Board of Directors needs to be aware of the
potential implications of their recent decision.
While some of this may just be pique, there may be some potential problem(s).
On the other hand I have notB yetB heard complaints from any other Associate
Registrars except to enquire about details of how people are to pay. I am
setting up a PayPal account and trying to work out some of those details.
We could adopt a policy that would allow the Associate Registrars to take
amount of the AIS fee (e.g., $5.00) for their service. Registrants would pay
$10 to AIS and whatever fee to the Associate Registrar. Or pay the Associate
registrar directly and the Associate pay the AIS (via PayPal)
I am open to other suggestions, lacking any other action by the Board, B to
continue with the policy as instituted.
Begin forwarded message:
From: M Bersillon < >
Date: August 10, 2011 11:43:04 PM PDT
To: John Jones < >
Subject: Re: Misc
For your information, all associate registrars have always charged a fee for
registration (it varies from country to country), so all registrants outside
of north America will now be paying over $15 for each registration; I am not
the only one involved! B However, I would like to say feel that it is very
unfair to ask people outside of the United States to now pay the equivalent
somewhere between $19 and nearly $23 for official registration of each plant
and, unless the various European iris societies decide to stop demanding a
for registrations, you may eventually find yourself either with a rebellion
your hands or simply a progressiveB refusalB on the part of Europeans to
register their plants with the AIS. B This may result in the indiscriminate
use of names that may already have been used by previously registered plants
or simply those that aren't officially registered, even by plants that are
commercialised, with the confusion that you can easily imagine. B There are
already a whole whack of iris commercialised in France that don't have
officially registered names, including an entire page in the Bourdillon
catalogue, for example; I don't know why they never registered these plants.
Just for the record and since you ask, I ceased registering my plants with
SFIB for many reasons. B First of all, the registrar of this association made
many mistakes on one of my first registrations and then, when I sent him
corrections, he set about making others and finally I had to correct the
problem directly with Keith Keppel, since Jean Peyrard is a most difficult
person to deal with directly and does not accept remarks about the mistakes
that he continues to make with good grace. B Then I had other problems with
the association and no longer wished either to be a member or pay them any
money for any reason, so I requested to send in registration forms directly
and pay the full AIS fee, but was not allowed to do so. B The AIS registrar
the time told me that I had to send my forms in French to the SFIB registrar
and then post a form in English directly to him, plus paying the SFIB fee,
which was not acceptable to me---just to spare someone's feelings. B Life is
complicated enough already. B Simply to be able to continue to officially
register plants, I asked Gisela Dathe if I could send in my already
English language forms through GdS and have been paying their fee even though
they do not do anything more than post my forms along with theirs. B Now that
the forms are likely to be electronic ones (a definite progress), there may
not be much in the way of actual postal fees, so I have no idea how they will
deal with that. B I would suggest that, as the new AIS registrar, you contact
them about how they are going to do things, as Gisela wasn't aware of how
things are going to work now when I asked her earlier this year. B B B
Incidentally, Richard Cayeux told me a few things about his problems with
registrations this year, including a refusal of the name "Ciel Gris sur
Poilly", which seemed very strange to me since I didn't think the name could
possibly have already been used. B Apparently there was some issue about the
name having four words, but this has been allowed for quite some time now and
is even mentioned on the SFIB website, so it is very unclear what happened.
B Should Richard get in touch with you directly to straighten out this
All the best,
P.S My first name has only one "l". B
John I Jones
American Iris Society
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