Draft Youth Protection Guidelines

Kudos to Bob.  You have outdone yourself.  I have to admit that I dreaded reading the guidlelines.  
  While I agree that it is really sad to need such a document, I don't  consider that the existence of such a fulsome set of guidelines will  deter people volunteering to be youth advisors.  As Roger enrolled  in Scouts for the first time this year, I am well aware of how  stringent rules can be to protect the Scout leaders from  allegations.  It is very sad, but unfortunately necessary.   These rules have not prevented Scouts from being a vibrant organization.
  And as Bob points out, these guidelines protect youth advisors as well  as youth.  My only comment is that you might want to consider  requiring parental consent before youth photos are published.   While allowing photos for distribution to AIS members, some parents may  still be uncomfortable with a photo appearing in the AIS bulletin.
  All that said, those of you who have enjoyed hugging my children may continue to do so.
  Maureen Mark
  no signs of iris bloom in Ottawa, but reports of bloom in Winnipeg

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