member suggestion

Hi all:  Received the following today; I think the suggestion about having a video running on a monitor during the show is brilliant!:

Hello Bruce;

My name is Sandy Olsen, I am a member of Shasta Iris Society (Region 14) in 
Redding, California.  

I just received the April bulletin and read with interest the article by Sheldon 
Butt on preparing iris for display at iris shows (p 71).  While this information 
was good and very timely, it prompted me to write to find out why the society 
doesnt have a training video that would cover all aspects of entering an iris 
show  distinguishing the front of the iris, transporting, what judges are 
looking for, etc.  Not only would this be helpful to the exhibitor, I think the 
general public would love to have this shown on a monitor during shows.  

Would a film project be expensive?  Do we have a qualified member with filming 
experience to produce a video? 

P.S.  The bulletin is looking great!  Good job!

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