Re: E-memberships

Sorry to disagree about JT on-line.  While I know that many organizations have on-line training, I question whether it's a good fit for us for several reasons which we can discuss if we ever get to that point. For one thing, there is much to be said in favor of the personal interaction between the students and instructor in JT training. Yes, we could have "interactive" training, but from my experience it's pretty pricey to implement (I've had experience with setting up e-training) and do it right. 
  Topics that might work, however, would be Awards & Ballots and Ethics.  Those seem like 2 classes that most people don't like to instruct and not offered on a regular basis in most regions.  
  Anyways, this is a discussion for another time, but just wanted to put in my two-cents worth since the subject has been brought up.  
  Judy Keisling
  Loberg <> wrote:
  Good morning!

Gary, I agree with the idea of on line training. I had suggested this a 
year ago. As a college instructor, I make tests and give them on line, the 
scoring is done automatically and sent to my email. I don't think 
e-membership would have to be tied to e-JT-training. E-JT-training would 
enormously expand the categories of iris training and expertise of trainers 
to a wider audience. I think training could be made available to both 
those who wish to enroll in the AIS JT program, as well as novices who just 
want to understand irises better.

e-JT-record-tracking could also be done. Having served as a Judges 
Training Chair, I've seen how records from other terms have been poorly 
kept, and they have to be duplicated for the AIS chair. I would think 
e-JT-record-tracking would benefit all regions.

I'm not sure what costs you see tied with maintaining an expanded website, 
other than storage space on a server. I suspect there are many volunteers 
throughout the AIS membership who would be glad to volunteer to help with 
expanding the web site.

Kitty Loberg


> One other possibility for e-membership could be
> Judge's Training online. While judges obviously would
> need to fulfill their garden JT, live and in the
> garden, many of the other classroom style hours could
> be done online. Most professional Continuing
> Education credits can be completed online now. I'm a
> pharmacist with licenses in 4 states and I do most of
> my CE requirements online now. It seems to me that it
> would be easy to adapt some AIS JT credit hours to the
> member pages of the website. That would certainly
> benefit very rural areas. >
> >
> And, I also agree with Terry and others that the
> website and member pages would require a great deal
> more from a webmaster....maybe even several people
> working on the site to maintain it and keep it current
> and interesting for all these new e-members. And,
> there undoubtedly will be a significant cost
> associated with building and maintaining that kind of
> website. Lots to think about and consider. Maybe we
> need an e-membership feasibility group.
> Gary White
> Lincoln, Nebraska

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