Re: 2011 Convention Fundraiser

I did check out the Raffle ticket issue with John Baker, Chair of the Madison Convention and should have included info about this in my original e-mail...There is always something I leave out!..


John has already applied for a raffle permit at the Convention so we are OK there if we go forward in Madison.  As for selling tickets among the other states, each one will have to check on this if they have not already done so.  California also requires a permit to sell raffle tickets.  Perhaps most Regions already know what their state's requirements are if they have done any fundraising themselves at their Region or affiliate meetings over the years.


Keep those comments and questions coming!!!



-----Original Message-----
From: K Brewitt
Sent: Mar 30, 2010 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] 2011 Convention Fundraiser

Good point, Will.  I know in Canada if you sell draw/raffle tickets that involves taking someone's name and contact information, a special lottery license is required.  The Toronto Region Iris Society has gotten around this in the past by having only numbered tickets.  Winners have to watch the newsletter and/or the website to see if their number is selected on the published draw date.  They are then responsible for contacting the Society...not ideal, but it beats having to buy a lottery license.
And I suspect many Canadians will be interested in this draw.  Which leads to my next question...what would the cost for tickets be in Canadian funds?  Given the near-par exchange rate would it be $20US or Cdn?
Kate Brewitt
AIS Region 16 RVP
On 30 March 2010 18:54, William Plotner <> wrote:
I think that it is a very worthy cause and would like to buy a few tickets myself hoping of course of winning such a prize.
However.....have you taken into account the possibility that in some state & Counties and City's it is illegal to sell raffle tickets!
This should be approached very carefully....I do not know what statutes might prevail of our trying to do this nationally...there may also be a law there about raffles and interstate commerce.
You should check into this before you go ahead with it.
All My Best
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:46 AM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] 2011 Convention Fundraiser

The Board approved the following motion at the Nov Strategic Planning meeting:

"That we have a fundraiser raffle for registration and lodging at the convention hotel for two people for the 2011 Convention for five nights during the conventions"

Rita, Jody and I have been working out the details and logistics for selling tickets for this and have come to a crossroads. Will we sell enough tickets to make this a Fundraiser or will AIS lose money on it? Should AIS go forward with this Fundraiser or cancel it?

Below are the details of what we have so far:


Cost of Prize:

Cost of 2011 Registration registration (approx)......$325  x2 =  $650


Cost of 5 nights (dbl occupancy) at The Fairmont Empress Hotel at $139 plus 12% tax each night.......$778.40


Total Prize Cost (approx).................$1,428.40



Cost of printing tickets






I will donate the cost of postage to mail tickets initially to the Regions for sale if we decide to do it.



Price  for Tickets


1 for $5

3 for $10

7 for $20



We initially talked about starting sales at the Madison Convention and then continuing through the Regions and Affiliates in the Fall.   We could also still get tickets out to the Regions in the next two weeks for their individual Region Spring mtgs.   We would draw the winner no later than Feb 15, 2011, so the winner has three months to get a passport and plane ticket and we can publicize the winner in the April 2011 Bulletin.


Now, the above cost  figures assume that we do not get any comped rooms from the Convention Hotel to use for the Fundraiser. 


At estimated total costs of $1,700, we would have to sell 340 tickets to break even.  


This email is going to all RVPs, Section Presidents, Board members and Committee Chairs  


Do you think your affiliates and Regions will be interested in a prize like this?


Will people be excited about winning a prize worth $1400 to go to the Canadian Convention?


After already sending out letters asking for Donations, will the Regions/affiliates feel we are just trying to suck more money out of them?


Should this Fundraiser perhaps be tried for a domestic Convention to see if there would be more interest?


Will enough tickets be sold to make this a Fundraiser for AIS?


The mock up of the tickets is done, the flyer is drafted...BUT before we go ahead with this, I need your opinion about whether you think this is a viable way to raise money for The American Iris Society?


Time is of the essence.  If we go forward with this we need to get the tickets, flyers printed and get the tickets out to the Regions as soon as possible. 


Please let me know if this is a worthy project as soon as possible.


Thank you for your input....




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