Re: -OPEN MEETINGS and password protected records

Excuse my little rant, but you're going to get it anyway.

Although there may be some perceived advantage to having the AIS Board minutes password protected, any such advantage is quickly dissipated by the not so subtle message that it sends to any marginally interested or totally disinterested party.

Some meetings should be held in closed session. There are times when announcements of the decisions of the Board should be delayed. However, those times are rare and this is obviously not one of them.

What activity is the Board of a non-profit involved in that would necessitate hampering the free flow of Board meeting minutes?
Is someone just a little paranoid?

The AIS has a membership problem. In this electronic age, it doesn't take long to disseminate information and it doesn't take long to disseminate the wrong image. How many of you would be inclined to join an organization that requires a password to view excerpts from Board meetings concerning procedure?

I have been told that the AIS Board meetings are open meetings. If it is an open meeting then for goodness sake (as opposed to evil's sake), open the meeting.

R. Dennis Hager, President
Society for Japanese Irises

----- Original Message ----- From: "John I Jones" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:14 AM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Board Actions Concerning Electronic Voting

I have excerpted the two sections that I know of from the minutes from past Board meetings concerning electronic voting and the AIS lists.

If anyone knows of additional citations, please let me know and I will add them.

The document: AIS_Lists.pdf  can be found at:


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