AIS Deficit Donation Letters to Affiliates

In a message dated 12/17/2009 11:34:26 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:


I mailed all 205 of those suckers Tuesday Dec 15th...My tongue does not want to taste glue again for a long time. 

You and Jean will each get one as you are Presidents of two different affiliates.

Let me know what you think.

Happy Holidays,


Thanks for the quick response.  Will let you know.  Happy Holidays to you too.
Jim M.
The letters arrived here in St. Louis on December 22.  I immediately informed our Greater St. Louis Iris Society Treasurer to send our donation check of $1,000.00 as approved by our club members.  Additional checks will be sent by the Kirkwood Iris Society and the Washington Iris Club.  I believe AIS will do all right in the short term while we make long term plans for the future.
Jim M. 

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