Re: Irisregister CD

The African Violet society sells their register with a password so that the CD
can be updated at any time of the year.  It's an annual membership to keep the
CD up to date.  The register gets downloaded into a laptop before a show and
is used by the classfication committee at shows.  The software allows sorting
by hybridizer or cultivar name and also allows two or three pictures to be
uploaded per cultivar.
It's a great piece of software.  I've been using their software for putting
together iris labels for sales.
Something for someone with some time and computer skills to look into...
Maureen Mark

--- On Sat, 12/27/08, Gerry Snyder <> wrote:

From: Gerry Snyder <>
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Irisregister CD
Received: Saturday, December 27, 2008, 1:32 AM

John I Jones wrote:
> Prior to the Fall Board meeting I received a question from an
> irisregister user. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the meeting
> and did not get my report in. The question was:
> Could a CD of the data base be made and sold to clubs to use at the
> classification table for shows?  It sure would make life easier at the
> shows and make the entry process faster.
> I would oppose providing a CD of the database.
I think I agree, but do have a couple comments.
> It would be very easily copied and there is no secure mechanism with
> which we could protect it.
> While it is probably true that some (possibly significant) numbers of
> subscribers would continue to use the online database a CD that can be
> copied will have a negative impact on the subscriptions.
Is it easy to give a rough estimate how much money the online register
makes per year? Of course any loss of income is bad, but knowing the
size of the potential loss could help make your point.
> Additionally, we are continually updating and correcting the online
> database and having out of date CDs in use could present  some
> difficulties.
This would seem to be an argument against using the books, too. They
(although consistent with each other) are likely to have even older data
than a CDROM.

A rule that only the current year's CDROM could be used at a show would
lead to some sales each year.

There are some interesting issues here, worthy of significant discussion
before starting CDROM sales..


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