Re: Where Should We Be Discussing Topics LikeCAPS?

I really do not like the idea of just anyone being allowed on the AIS DISCUSS discussion group.  It is for AIS business.  I suggest that anyone attending a board meeting be offered the opportunity to become part of the discussion group -- but they have to attend at least one entire board meeting to show they are really interested in the business of AIS.
Otherwise people who never bother with the business of AIS can join the discussion and just jump in with their two cents.

Maybe we should have another discussion group that is open to any and all and is not just for AIS business.

I know what opinions do on this discussion group, so, OK, let me have it!

Ron Killingsworth

On 7/31/2014 18:56, John Jones wrote:

Certainly list the link in news and notes. But note that no one can post to the archives. Only messages that are sent to AISDiscuss by those authorized to be on the list go onto the list.

I think you misunderstood when I said : "I think we SHOULD allow anyone subscribe to AISDiscuss that wants to." 
Current AIS policy does not allow that. (it used to allow anyone to post, but the board decided to change to the current policy)

I don't know when the next News and notes is going out but I could write up a little blurb about the archives

John and Joanne Jones
Registrar-Recorders, American Iris Society

John Jones, Chairman, Electronic Services Committee

35572 Linda Drive
Fremont, CA 94536

On Jul 31, 2014, at 3:58 PM, Wayne Messer <> wrote:

Thank you John,

I was aware that AISDiscuss has archives and checked them to see what type
of topics we had considered in the last year.  Do we publicize the
archives?  I don't remember how I found out about them; I suspect it came
up in some search I was doing.

If we do not publicize the archives and that anyone can post to it, would
you like us to?  We can certainly put a link to it in News & Notes
readily.  And the Irises Bulletin could have an article and maybe some of
the topics.


Wayne Messer

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 11:17 AM, John Jones <>

Hi all,

Just some clarification:

AISDiscuss goes to Board members, committee chairs AND
RVPs, Section and Cooperating Societies.

I should also say that it is up to individuals and societies to let the
AIS Secretary know when personnel or contact information changes so we can
have a list with up-to-date contact information.

We also have an RVP list and and Affiliates list that can be used to send
out mesages. But again they are only as good as the contact information for

Additionally the archives of AISDiscuss, located at, are
open to anyone who cares to go there, no password or ID required. I know of
several people that routinely review the messages there.

However Janet is certainly correct that it is up to the individual to pass
information along to anyone who they think might be interested, although
that happens with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

There are also other email lists:, iris-photos, sibrob,
spaceagerobin, iris-species, and others that could be used to solicit ideas
from. (Yea I know, dangling preposition - LOL)

I think we should allow anyone subscribe to AISDiscuss that wants to. We
should welcome comments from any source. We may not agree with or use all
of the ideas, but you never know where the new idea will come from. I know
occasionally we have an inappropriate post or someone thinks they can
really send an anonymous text message, but you just dismiss that sort of
thing considering the source.

If posting relevant parts of the CAPS reports on the AIS blog would
solicit some comments, I think it would be worth it.


On Jul 31, 2014, at 8:04 AM, "Janet Smith" <>

1. Not everyone can afford to got to conventions or fall board
2. AISDiscuss only goes to Board members and committee chairs, so
your audience is limited.
3. Many RVP's are silent to their affiliates, so the word does not
get out to them.
4. The Directors in the Regions are even more silent to the
affiliates they oversee, so the word does not get out.
5. It is not in the IRISES Bulletin, so...
6. Not in your Newsletter.....  But that is only if they have a
computer.  For those members who do not have a computer they are left
7. Facebook and Blog are not the place for this.

I keep hearing we should-----when am I going to hear ---- its done!

Janet Smith

---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Where Should We Be Discussing Topics
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:30:52 -0400 (EDT)

Wayne you are correct in that AIS Discuss is not exactly the venue of
choice for continued discussion. Since I was commissioned by the
board to attend and report I wanted to give an overview to the
society. Further discussion of for example of the copyright issue
will occur in the intellectual property committee. Continued
discussion of what we can do for the future to improve the society
will occur in the strategic planning committee.

I decided it was important for everyone to know of our being a part
of CAPS for several reasons. Much of what the board does is not known
throughout the organization. This is not because it is in closed
board meetings but because few other than board members attend board
meetings. Secondly I wanted to get some information out so that board
members and other parties could do their homework. If one has a
chance to contemplate these issues before the fall meeting the
discussion can be much more productive. And third I know there are
very creative members who are not on the board that may be able to
offer totally new perspectives on these problems.

The issues involved in whether we succeed in making it to our hundred
birthday in 6 years as a robust AIS are issues that should be thought
about at all levels, from affiliates to regions to national and to
each section. Despite the fact that each of these units functions
quite independently we are also quite dependent on them all working
together. While the wiki by definition is a collaboration platform
perhaps half of the officers of all of these groups are even
registered as wiki users so that they could post.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Messer" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 8:53:10 PM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Where Should We Be Discussing Topics Like CAPS?

Bob's ongoing reports on CAPS and initial concerns about limited
make me wonder:  Is AISDiscuss the best place to have some of these
discussions?  I've only been on AISDiscuss for a year; so I'm not
aware of
how and where some of the discussions take place.  It seems to be a
place for AIS business and notices; however, dealing with issues such
what can we learn from CAPS and what should we do are more
Maybe these different types of topics would benefit from a different

Bob posting the CAPS reports to this group is useful for at least two
reasons. First, it makes us aware of what is happening in these
and what topics other groups consider important.  Second, it plants
seeds for further discussions and eventually action.  The latter I
expect to have a longer time frame and maybe require a different

I suspect the reports could benefit both from a smaller and from a
group being involved with them.  A smaller group might be better for
brainstorming how to apply some of the lessons learned from CAPS.
And a
larger group, maybe all our membership, should be aware of the topics
our interest.  I think it's great that Sue Barnes has shared them
with the
Region's Club presidents and Ron Killingsworth has been sharing with
SLI president.

Do we have other venues that we should use or consider for this?

As an aid to our discussion and a possible venue, I've created a
CAPS Resource page in the Iris Wiki.  It has some links to books and
authors Bob has mentioned as well as other info.  The only topic I
steered away from, because of Bob's comments in his discussion, is
copyright.  It I believe is better handled in AISDiscuss or some
limited venue because of the legal implications.  You are encouraged
check the page out and edit it - it is on a wiki.  You can see the
page at:


Wayne Messer

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Bob Pries
Zone 7a
Roxboro, NC

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