RE: 2014 AIS Convention

Kay and I will not be attending the SLI 2014 convention in NO. John & Kay
LudiAIS Storefront

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "" <>
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] 2014 AIS Convention
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 03:22:43 GMT

Cheryl and All,

Yes, the 2014 Convention Committee is definitely worried about how many people
may not be attending the convention because of the reasons you listed.  But,
2014 will be the first time convention attendees will see 2 & 3 year bearded
guest plants at the same time and 3 & 4 year beardless guest plants at the
same time.

I need the AIS Board of Directors to decide if I leave the schedule the way it
is with having the AIS Board members come in a day early to start the board
meeting at 1:00pm on Saturday, April 5, 2014 or does the AIS Board vote to
make a change and start the board meeting on Sunday, April 6, 2014?  It was a
decision made by the AIS Board in 1998 and if I am to make a change to the
schedule, it will have to be a decision made by the current AIS Board to
change it.  The hotel is waiting for me to give them a meeting schedule.

The SLI Convention schedule calls for garden tours on Thursday, April 3 and
Friday, April 4, 2014.
On Saturday, April 5, 2014 would be a Symposium, a Louisiana Iris Show, Voting
by SLI members at the show, Judges Training, and Awards Dinner.

I would like to know if any AIS Board Members are planning on attending the
SLI Convention.

We know that Cheryl will not be attending nor will I.

I am really sorry we are having a conflict between the two conventions.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: cheryl deaton <>
To: "" <>
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] 2014 AIS Convention
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 10:25:32 -0700

Hello All,
This conflict is unfortunate, but I do not think it will affect that many
people. I attended the SLI convention in Dallas because it was immediately
following the AIS Convention.  Due to work responsibilities, I am unable to
attend the 2014 SLI convention. Dallas had no choice in their scheduling for
2014 due to a huge soccer convention and the availability of hotels.  Getting
to other meetings as have been scheduled for the past few years can be
difficult as it is, so I do not believe we should change the board meeting
from Saturday to Sunday. Travel restrictions mean I need to arrive on Friday
or I would not make the Board meeting on Saturday(plus the cost is cheaper
traveling on Friday).  I think that may be true for many of us. The bigger
problem that I see is people not wanting to attend 2014 that attended 2013
because they feel it is just a repeat (comments I have heard) AND they would
rather save up the money and attend the AIS convention in 2015 in Portland.
we are at the best room block rate now, we may have problems selling the
convention to people and attaining our required room block if we try to cram
too many activities at the same time for the attendees.  Many members of the
AIS Board also hold positions with the sections and cooperating societies and
would run into conflicts trying to attend the AIS board meeting and the other
board meetings if we held the BOD at the same time as other meetings.  Same
goes with the programs put on by the sections and cooperating societies.  Our
current schedule is tight as it is with little wiggle room.  Is the SLI
schedule on Saturday garden visits plus the Awards banquet?  If we
the business portion of the AIS BOD meeting to Sunday and get the reports
committees, etc. ahead of time to read for discussion on Saturday, then any
recommendations/motions could be handled Sunday.  The conflict I see is the
RVP Counselors meeting.  If we schedule that early on Sunday (like 8am?) and
combine the RVP reception with it (don't see why we can't eat and talk at the
same time), could we immediately follow with the second portion of the AIS
meeting?  In that way maybe we can accommodate everyone?  It would mean
traveling Saturday night/early Sunday for those needing to attend both
conventions. Is there any way that SLI could adjust their schedule as well
Saturday?  Lots to think about.

> From:
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 21:12:25 +0000
> To:
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] 2014 AIS Convention
> Dear Folks,
> I have somewhat of a problem and I do not know what to do.  When the Iris
Society of Dallas voted to change the dates of the 2014 AIS Convention from
April 21 through April 26 to the new dates of April 5 through April 10, this
created a conflict with the SLI Convention in New Orleans.
> First off the 2014 AIS Convention in Dallas starts on Saturday, April 5 and
the SLI Convention in New Orleans ends on Saturday, April 5.
> I heard in Dallas this past Spring, several people were wanting to attend
the SLI Convention in New Orleans.   But, I really don't know how many are
planning on attending the SLI Convention in New Orleans.
> Back at the Fall Board Meeting in Bedford, MA in 1998, the AIS Board of
Directors held a discussion concerning an earlier convening date for the AIS
Board meeting during the Spring National Conventions so as to enable those
attending the meeting to participate in other scheduled activities.  After
discussion it is was decided to begin the new schedule at the 2000 AIS
Convention in Dallas, TX.  So, since 2000, the AIS Board has been meeting on
the first day of the convention and no other activities have been scheduled
that day.
> I have been trying to figure a way to get around this but, since the AIS
Board had agreed to make this change in 1998 and we have been doing so since
2000, I do not know what to do but ask for advice from the AIS Board.
> My question to you.  Should I go ahead and schedule the the AIS Board
Meeting to begin on Saturday, April 5, 2014 and meet on Saturday and Sunday
move the AIS Board Meeting to start on Sunday, April 6, 2014 and meet on
Sunday and Monday and run the AIS Board meeting at the same time as other
meetings are going on?
> By making a change, attendees may be arriving a day later thus the
possibility of losing some of our guest room block on Friday night and maybe
1/2 of the guest room block on Saturday night.  I have already worked with
hotel to reduce the number of guest rooms for the 2014 Convention from what
had in 2013 and I am down to as low as the hotel will allow me to go.
> Please help.
> Thank you,
> Paul
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