Re: Foreign Registration Fee

Bravo to Susan and Jill!

I realize I am not a voting Board member, however, having attended
every fall meeting since 2008---- because that is what I can
afford----AND I sit and listen and answer questions regarding what I
VOLUNTEER to do for AIS. LET ME TELL YOU!  The Board of Directors
(all volunteers) work very hard, spend may hours - days - going over
what must be decided upon, fixed, gotten rid of and THIS IS THE

Enough!  Why don't we think of it this way too!  There are many
foreign hybridizers who introduce everything they grow - may be with
this they will reconsider and choose the best of what they have.  My
humble opinion.  As to their paying extra, I have friends in Europe,
they are use to paying extra, they are smart people who make
decisions everyday on expenditures, this is nothing to what they have
to decide.

My humble 2 cents worth and the experience of sitting for hours and
days listening to very good volunteers doing the best they can with
the information given to make decisions for this organization AND we
are not in the stone age!

Janet Smith, chair
AIS Slides
Photo Contest
Photo Coordinator
and other jobs to many to mention

I love my job(s).

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