Re: Foreign Registration Fee


The AIS fee is in addition to what the foreign registrar charges.
On Aug 12, 2011 8:42 AM, "Robert Pries" <> wrote:
> The motion made by the board this Spring was; That foreign registrants pay
> the same registration fee as US and Canadian Registrants pay. Fee to be
> in USD, effective August 1, 2011 . Motion carried . B Since the fees
> collected by The assistant registrars in each country have been given to
> for their services acting as collectors and translators B I would take
> to mean that AIS would have to return the amount to those assistants that
> under the price of registration and in some cases pay the additional
> the were receiving to the assistants. The Foreign registrants fee should
> increase but in several cases may decrease because it will be the same as
> registrants according to the motion and AIS will owe the respective
> those lost funds.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Jones" <>
> To:
> Cc: "Mike Lowe" <>
> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:14:52 PM
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] Foreign Registration Fee
> All,
> I have been in discussion with Michele Bersillon concerning the new fee
> foreign registrants to pay the same fee as North American hybridizers and
> request to register directly with the AIS since she is an American
> and files completely in English.
> I have previously told her that she would need to continue to file through
> associate registrar and that as to the fees. If the country registrar
> a fee, it is in addition to the fee required by the AIS.
> Her most recent response is below and as the world wide registration
> for non-bulbous irises, the AIS Board of Directors needs to be aware of
> potential implications of their recent decision.
> While some of this may just be pique, there may be some potential
> On the other hand I have notB yetB heard complaints from any other
> Registrars except to enquire about details of how people are to pay. I am
> setting up a PayPal account and trying to work out some of those details.
> We could adopt a policy that would allow the Associate Registrars to take
> amount of the AIS fee (e.g., $5.00) for their service. Registrants would
> $10 to AIS and whatever fee to the Associate Registrar. Or pay the
> registrar directly and the Associate pay the AIS (via PayPal)
> I am open to other suggestions, lacking any other action by the Board, B
> continue with the policy as instituted.
> Thanks
> John
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: M Bersillon < >
> Date: August 10, 2011 11:43:04 PM PDT
> To: John Jones < >
> Subject: Re: Misc
> John,
> For your information, all associate registrars have always charged a fee
> registration (it varies from country to country), so all registrants
> of north America will now be paying over $15 for each registration; I am
> the only one involved! B However, I would like to say feel that it is very
> unfair to ask people outside of the United States to now pay the
equivalent of
> somewhere between $19 and nearly $23 for official registration of each
> and, unless the various European iris societies decide to stop demanding a
> for registrations, you may eventually find yourself either with a
rebellion on
> your hands or simply a progressiveB refusalB on the part of Europeans to
> register their plants with the AIS. B This may result in the
> use of names that may already have been used by previously registered
> or simply those that aren't officially registered, even by plants that are
> commercialised, with the confusion that you can easily imagine. B There
> already a whole whack of iris commercialised in France that don't have
> officially registered names, including an entire page in the Bourdillon
> catalogue, for example; I don't know why they never registered these
> B B
> Just for the record and since you ask, I ceased registering my plants with
> SFIB for many reasons. B First of all, the registrar of this association
> many mistakes on one of my first registrations and then, when I sent him
> corrections, he set about making others and finally I had to correct the
> problem directly with Keith Keppel, since Jean Peyrard is a most difficult
> person to deal with directly and does not accept remarks about the
> that he continues to make with good grace. B Then I had other problems
> the association and no longer wished either to be a member or pay them any
> money for any reason, so I requested to send in registration forms
> and pay the full AIS fee, but was not allowed to do so. B The AIS
registrar at
> the time told me that I had to send my forms in French to the SFIB
> and then post a form in English directly to him, plus paying the SFIB fee,
> which was not acceptable to me---just to spare someone's feelings. B Life
> complicated enough already. B Simply to be able to continue to officially
> register plants, I asked Gisela Dathe if I could send in my already
> English language forms through GdS and have been paying their fee even
> they do not do anything more than post my forms along with theirs. B Now
> the forms are likely to be electronic ones (a definite progress), there
> not be much in the way of actual postal fees, so I have no idea how they
> deal with that. B I would suggest that, as the new AIS registrar, you
> them about how they are going to do things, as Gisela wasn't aware of how
> things are going to work now when I asked her earlier this year. B B
> Incidentally, Richard Cayeux told me a few things about his problems with
> registrations this year, including a refusal of the name "Ciel Gris sur
> Poilly", which seemed very strange to me since I didn't think the name
> possibly have already been used. B Apparently there was some issue about
> name having four words, but this has been allowed for quite some time now
> is even mentioned on the SFIB website, so it is very unclear what
> B Should Richard get in touch with you directly to straighten out this
> B B
> All the best,
> MicheleB
> P.S My first name has only one "l". B
> B B
> __________________B
> John I Jones
> Registrar-Recorder
> American Iris Society
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