Candidate Awards ballot available

Two versions of the ballot are online at the voting web site: This one 
<> is complete, and 
includes the cover, instructions, and HC part of the ballot. And this 
one <> is just the 
guts (medals, AM's, and HM's).

An announcement of an earlier candidate ballot was sent to an email list 
of hybridizers, and two kinds of errors were found:

  * A few iris had incorrect values in the
    foreign-hybridized/US-introduced-first area and either were on the
    ballot and should not have been or else were not on it and should
    have been.

  * A procedural error on my part led to several iris being listed in
    the wrong category. I have gone through the steps and am now
    confident that the steps are all being done in the correct order,
    and this problem will not recur.

So, the candidate ballots linked to above have no errors known to me. If 
I am notified of any by the end of the Convention I will fix them before 
sending the ballot to the printer.

Gerry Snyder

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