Re: Up Coming Board Meeting - Important, please read


You will truly be missed.  Take care of yourself and get well soon.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: Michelle Snyder <>
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Up Coming Board Meeting - Important, please read
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 15:35:47 -0700

Hi all,

As some of you already know, I will not be attending the upcoming AIS 
Convention in Ontario, CA.  Though I am doing much better since my 
recent surgery, I have not healed well enough to make the journey to 
Calif.  However, Gerry will be making the trip.  He will be bringing all 
necessary documents needed at the meeting including the sign-in sheet; 
blank vouchers for those who have any bills they need reimbursement for; 
name plates for the board; extra copies of all reports that have been 
received by me and my tape recorder and tapes that are used as backup 
for the minutes.

For those of you that have not provided me with a report please be sure 
and give a copy to Gerry so I will have a complete set for my records.

I will miss all of you and what I know will be a spectacular bloom.


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