{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Bliss 2 Bold;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Bliss 2 Regular;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 ACaslon Regular;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\f0\fs24 Report of the Registrar-Recorder and\par Registrations Committee, Spring 2006\par \pard\f1\par Registrations and reserves at this point (1 May 2006) are 658 versus 408 at the same time in 2005. Indications are that campaigning for earlier registering/reserving may be working. Sergey Locktev has been most cooperative in attempting to spread Russian registrations out over Summer and early Fall. We will have a better handle on our efforts to \lquote even out\rquote the registration workload throughout the year, by the Fall Board meeting\par \pard\tx1710\tx3600\tqdec\tx7740\par 1200 copies of the 2005 Registrations and Introductions booklet were printed and shipped to the Storefront at a total cost of $2.19 per booklet. This figure will probably not be matched again as somehow the UPS scale weighed each of the eleven main shipment boxes as six pounds and charged us $10.33 per box The one box of 100 that we shipped early came up with its true weight of 30 some odd pounds and was 67 dollars for 3 day service, the 11 boxes for 7 day ground service were $113 total vice the correct figure of $363. \par \par Shoehorning 2,082 registration/introduction entries plus the corresponding index into a 104 page R & I document necessitated dropping text point size from 8.55 points to 8.27 points, eliminating the inside title page and using inside back and front cover for text. Should the number of registrations and reserves continues to grow we will have to look at either perfect binding or increasing the page size of the R & I booklet.\par \par Projects currently underway are fashioning a means of electronic submission of overseas registrations that will not overwhelm a dismally slow internet connection and a method of phonetically searching the electronic R & I for homonyms. Soundex coding is not ideal for cutsy variants such SHILOH/\cf1 CHILO\f2 , \cf0\f1 however, it seems to be the only viable strategy for discovering sound-alikes other than encyclopedic personal knowledge.\par \par A more distant project is scanning, OCRing, and proofing the 1939 and 1949 Check Lists. Dismal print quality of the two volumes has been a major impediment to progress in this undertaking and available time has been limited.\par \pard\f3\fs26\par Anne and Mike Lowe,\par Registrar/Recorder\par 1 May 2006\par \f1\fs24\par }