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Campell (Detroit, MI) - 1926 \par 1- Cobble Cottage Gardesn (Detroit, MI) - 1928 \par 1 - Fairy Gardens (Napoleon, OH) - 192? \par 1- Robert Wayman (Bayside, NY) 1930 w/COLOR plates \par 1- Robert Wayman (Bayside, NY) 1932 w/COLOR plates \par \par }{\f0\fs20\ul REGION 13}{\f0\fs20 : \par 1- Abbey Gardens 1995 \par 15 - Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden 1983 - 1997 \par 1 - Broadway Gardens 1964 \par 11 - Brown's Iris Gardens 1958 - 1968 \par 35 - Brown's Sunnyhill Gardens 1959 - 1994 \par 3 - Cedar Lake Iris Gardens 1961, 62 & 63 \par 1 - Cook's Garden 1976 \par 1 - Cooley's Gardens 1937 \par 12 - Cooley's Gardens 1946 - 1959 \par 10 - Cooley's Gardens 1960 - 1976 \par 16 - Cooley's Gardens 1983 - 2002 \par 2 - Country Iris Gardens 1989 & 1995 \par 21 - Tom Graig 1948 - 1970 \par 4 - D& J Iris Garden's 1992, 94, 95 & 96 \par 14 - Easy Breeze Gardens \par 24 - Eden Road Iris Garden \par 36 - Fleur De Lis Gardens 1947 - 1993 \par 23 - Iris Test Gradens 1944 - 1967 \par 22 - Irisnoll 1940 -1967 \par 16 - J and J Iris Garden \par 3 - Katherine's Iris Gardens 1957, 58 & 60 \par 4 - Kirkland Iris Garden 1985, 87, 89 & 90 \par 1 - Kosta Gardens 1948 \par 1 - Lakeside Iris Gardens 1948 \par 3 - Lamb Nurseries 1952, 53 &54 \par 1 - Lawler's Bulbs 1930's \par 1 - Marble Iris Gardens 1962 \par 13 - Walter Marx Gardens 1948 - 1966 \par 1 - Meadow Mountain Bulb Farm, Inc. 1930 \par 17 - National Iris Gardens/Weed's Landscape Nursery 1924 - 1951 \par 8 - Northwest Hybridizers 1967 - 1986 \par 4 - Noyd's Iris Garden 1957, 61, 63 & 64 \par 1 - Old Colony Garden 1957 \par 2 - O. M. Pudor Iris Specialist 1927, 1928 \par 1 - Puget Sound Peony Gardens 1929 \par 6 - Raleigh Hills Gardens 1959 -1964 \par 2 - Rogueland Gardens 1954 & 1955 \par 1 - Rockmarge 1932 \par 1- Schmelzer's Garden 1959 \par 3 - F. X. Schriener 1928, 1929 & 1930 \par 8 - Schreiner's Iris Gardens 1932 -1939 \par 18 - Schreiner's Iris Gardens 1941 -1959 \par 17 - Schreiner's Iris Gardens 1960 -1989 \par 12 - Schreiner's Iris Gardens 1991 -2002 \par 2 - Carl Starker - 1949/50 and 1950/51 \par 3 - Thole's Garden 1931, 32 & 1939 \par 1 - Walla Walla Flower Farm 1963 \par 1 - Western Iris Gardens 1949 \par \par \par }{\b\ul PUBLICATIONS}{\b : \par }{\f0\fs20 1 set of Bound AIS Bulletins from 1948 through 1976 \par 1 \endash 1930 AIS LECTURES \par 1 - 1931 AIS DISCARD LIST \par 1each of \endash 1949 \'93CULTURE OF IRIS IN VITRO\'94; 1948 \'93CHROMOSOME BEHAVIOR \'85\'94; \par and 1935 \'93EFFECT OF LIGHT AND TEMPERATURE ON IRIS \'85\'94 \par 1 - AIS 1972 Convention Booklet \endash Portland, OR \par }\pard \ql \li90\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin90\itap0 {\f0\fs20 1 \endash AIS 1984 Convention Booklet \endash Seattle, WA \par 1 - AIS 1994 Convention Booklet \endash Portland, OR \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\f0\fs20 30 \endash REGION 13 \'93BULLETIN/NEWSLETTER\'94 1971 \endash 1996 \par 1- DWARF IRIS SOCIETY's "BEGINNERS' MANUAL for the Dwarf hybridizer \par 3 - DWARF IRIS SOCIETY's CHECKLIST: 1955, 1961 and 1975 \par 20 - DWARF IRIS SOCIETY's PORTFOLIO: #'s 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 1991 \par 21 - AIS R&I's: 1957 through 1970, 1972, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 1985 \par 6 - AIS MEMBERSHIP LIST: 1953, 1959,1962, 1965, 1968 and 1974 \par 6 - AIS COLOR CLASSIFICATION: 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963 1966 and 1971 \par 5 - AIS HANDBOOK FOR JUDGES: 1951, 1960, 1965, 1969 and 1985 \par 8 - IRIS CLUTURE BOOKLETS: One each of "What Every Iris Grower Should Know" 1948, 1959 and 1969; "Irises for Everyone"; \par "Basic Iris Cluture" 1982 and 2000 and USDA's "Growing Iris in the Home Garden" 1959 and 1966 \par \par 25 - BRITISH IRIS SOCIETY's YEAR BOOK: 1954, 1956 through 1977, 1994 and 1995 \par 2 - One each of BRITISH IRIS SOCIETY's: "An Alphabetical Table" and "The Cultivaation of Irises" \par \par }}