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Thanks to all who were involved in t his worthwhile project. The winner is Joshua Winzer of Mounds, Oklahoma. First Runner-Up is Kelly D. Norris of Bedford, Iowa, and Second Runner-Up is Rachel Hindle of Hutchinson, Kansas. \par }{\b\fs28\ul\cf1 \par }{\fs28\cf1 As of the last membership report I have received, April 30, 2006, there are 289 youth members, a loss of 34 members since the Fall Meeting. Part of this is due to age (10 members reached the age of 19), and quite a bit is due to the loss of Classroom Iris Projects. \par \par There are a total of 21 Regions represented with youth membership. \par \par We have 5 active Classroom Iris Projects with 89 members. \par \par I have been contacted by Michele Bersillon, former Secretary of Franciris2005 and a member of the SFIB (Societe Francaise des Iris et Plantes Bulbeuses) about starting a youth group of some sort in her area of France. She is enthused about teaching children about all things iris, including but not limited to growing tips, judging programs, hybridizing and has been approached by a teacher of gradeschool students who are in love with iris. We even talked about an \ldblquote international PenPal program\rdblquote . These discussions are in the very early stages, but exciting nonetheless. \par }{\b\fs28\ul\cf1 \par }{\fs28\cf1 At the Fall Meeting, the Cosgrove Memorial Fund had $7,877. This is a dedicated fund of which an average of less than $700 is spent each year for a trophy and cash awards. Donations continue to be made to this fund yearly. \par \par At the Fall Meeting, the Classroom Project Fund had $2,961. This is a dedicated fund used to pay the yearly AIS dues of the adult in charge of a Cl assroom Iris Project. The donations made to this fund last year will pay the dues of the current CIP adults for 2006 in addition to increasing the balance of the fund. \par \par My annual budget this year is $1200, of which the majority will be spent in printing and postage for two issues of \ldblquote The Iris Fan\rdblquote youth newsletter, and the new youth member packets. Other expenses include the youth website, prizes for the annual coloring contest, and the Youth Reception and Pizza Party at the National Convention. I am ho ping to get a donation for the cost of shipping rhizomes from the Convention to the youth members in July/August, but if I am unsuccessful, then my budget will have to absorb that cost as well. \par \par RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD: \par \par That $3000 from the Clarke Cosgrove Youth Award Fund be disbursed to begin a \ldblquote General Youth Fund\rdblquote , which would cover such things as printing the new youth folder ITJ, shipping of rhizomes to youth members, prizes for various contests, requests from youth m embers and/or youth supporters for funds to aid youth projects (i.e. community garden projects, school gardens, books, printed matter/research material). I am continually being sought out to fund various youth projects by teachers, youth advisors and oth e r supportive adults who assume that because there is more than $10,000 in Youth Funds that there would be money available in the form of grants for projects involving youth. Youth members have suggested badges or membership cards recognizing that they ar e an AIS Youth Member. The list could go on forever. \par \par I am recommending that any donations to AIS for the \ldblquote Youth Fund\rdblquote , unless it is specifically designated as the Cosgrove Youth Award (CYA) or the Classroom Project Fund (CPF), go into this General Youth F und. At no time should the balance in the fund fall below $500. These funds would allow the AIS Youth Chair some flexibility to pursue different activities encouraging youth participation and also allow for the opportunity to continue fundraising activit i es. Any requests for funding could be presented on AIS Discuss for approval/disapproval, with priority going to existing AIS Youth groups. Those applying for the funds would need to approach their local society/region for funding prior to making a reques t of the General Youth Fund. If funds should go beyond $3000 in the beginning, then repayment to the Cosgrove Youth Award Fund would be made accordingly until the initial $3000 disbursement is repaid. \par \par I believe this request to be reasonable and necessary . The integrity of the Cosgrove Youth Award Fund would not be in jeopardy with this request. In order to encourage our youth members to continue as adult members, we need to look at every opportunity available to us to nurture their interest in all thin gs iris. \par \par Sincerely, \par \par \par \par Cheryl Deaton, AIS Youth Chair \par \par \par \par }}