{\rtf1\ansi \deflang1033\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\froman \fcharset0 \fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255; \red0\green0\blue255;} {\stylesheet{\fs20 \snext0 Normal;} {\s1 \qj\li-1440 Quick A.;} {\s2 \qj\li-1440 Quick 1.;} {\s3 \qj\li-1440 Quick I.;} {\*\cs4 \additive\ul\cf3 SYS_HYPERTEXT;} }\notabind\margl1440\margr1440\margt720\margb720\hyphhotz936\ftnbj\fet2\ftnrstpg\aftnnar\viewkind1\lytprtmet\subfontbysize \sectd \marglsxn720\margrsxn720\pgndec\headery1440\footery1440\endnhere\endnhere {\footer { \posxc\nowrap \plain \fs24 Page -{\field{\*\fldinst { PAGE }}}-\par} \par} {\*\pnseclvl1\pndec\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl2\pnlcltr\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl3\pnlcrm\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl4\pndec\pnstart1{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl5\pnlcltr\pnstart1{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcrm\pnstart1{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl7\pndec\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1} {\field{\*\fldinst {\lang4105 SEQ CHAPTER \\h \\r 1}}{\fldrslt }}\pard \fs24\qc {\plain \fs24 \b AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY BOARD MEETING\par }{\plain \fs24 \b SPRING AGENDA -ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI\par }{\plain \fs24 \b MAY 9 - 10, 2005\par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b I.\ul0 \tab Call to order:}{\plain \fs24 \ul0 \tab President Jeanne Clay Plank at 1:00 PM, Monday, May 9, 2005.\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab A.\ul0 \tab Welcome, opening remarks, meeting customs, participation of guests, voting, etc.\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab B.\ul0 \tab Introduction of Board members and announcement of quorum present.\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab C.\ul0 \tab Explanation - the {\u8220\'93}agenda{\u8221\'94} is a guide only, and is subject to change.\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab D.\ul0 \tab Please hand in reports to Secretary Bonino for distribution to the Board }{\plain \fs24 \b before}{\plain \fs24 you are scheduled \softline to speak.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b II.\ul0 \tab Minutes of the last meeting}{\plain \fs24 , at Little Rock, Arkansas, November 5 - 7, 2004 - \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab A.\ul0 \tab Additions or corrections\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab B.\ul0 \tab Approved as corrected...moved (m/m)________________, sec________________,carried (Y/N)\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab C.\ul0 \tab Approved as published in Bulletin 336 (m/m)______________, sec ________________,\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab carried (Y/N).\par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b III.\ul0 \tab Reports of Officers}{\plain \fs24 :\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab }{\plain \fs24 \b A.\ul0 \tab President - J. Plank}{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Appoint parliamentarian:__________________________ (m/m)__________________\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab \tab Sec____________________________, carried (Y/N).\par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 2.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Appointment of Recording Secretary for St. Louis Board Meeting.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 3.\ul0 \tab President{\u8217\'92}s Report\par }\pard \fs24\s1\fi-2880\li2880\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880 {\plain \fs24 A.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab AIS Membership Poll.\par }\pard \fs24\s1\fi-2880\li2880\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880 {\plain \fs24 B.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Restructuring of Scientific Committees.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 4.\ul0 \tab Interim Board Action (affirmation of {\u8220\'93}email{\u8221\'94} votes since November, 2004 meeting):\par }\pard \fs24\fi-2880\li2880\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab \tab A.\ul0 \tab That AIS print 15,000 copies of the Invitation to Join brochure as per Rita \softline Gormley{\u8217\'92}s bid from AG Press. Passed.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-2880\li2880\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab \tab B.\ul0 \tab That Brad Kasperek be appointed to the Board position vacated by Jason Leader.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab \tab \tab Passed.\par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\s1\fi-2880\li2880\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880 {\plain \fs24 C.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab That Brad Kasperek be appointed to the position of Affiliates Chair. Passed.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab \tab \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab }{\plain \fs24 \b B.\ul0 \tab 1}{\plain \fs24 \b\super st}{\plain \fs24 \b Vice President - Dr. E. Roy Epperson\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \b \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \b \tab C.\ul0 \tab 2}{\plain \fs24 \b\super nd}{\plain \fs24 \b Vice President - Judy Keisling\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \b \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \b \tab D.\ul0 \tab Secretary - J. Bonino \par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \b \tab \tab }{\plain \fs24 1.\ul0 \tab Dykes Medal is here.\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 2.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab New deposit stamps have been issued due to change in AIS Deposit account.\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 3.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Proposal for Summary of Board minutes in the Bulletin.\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \ul0 \tab }{\plain \fs24 \b E.\ul0 \tab Treasurer - J. Hudson }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Semi - annual Report for period ended Oct 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005.\par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 2.\ul0 \tab Retirement of Treasurer effective September 30, 2005.\par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 3.\ul0 \tab Budget Update\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 4.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Internal Financial Review Committee status.\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 5.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Proposal to obtain credit card processor for Portland Convention in 2006.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab }{\plain \fs24 \b F.\ul0 \tab Editor - B. Filardi\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 1.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Bulletin Review Committee\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 2.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Changes in co-editors\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 3.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Discussion of {\u8220\'93}Obituary{\u8221\'94} Editor{\u8221\'94}\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \b \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \b \tab G.\ul0 \tab Ad Editor - George & Margaret Sutton}{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b IV.\ul0 \tab Administrative Reports}{\plain \fs24 :\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab A.\ul0 \tab Membership Secretary -T. Gormley\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 1.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab }{\plain \fs24 \b \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \b \tab }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-3600\li3600\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600 {\plain \fs24 \tab B.\ul0 \tab Registrar/Recorder -\ul0 \tab Mike & Anne Lowe\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-3600\li3600\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600 {\plain \fs24 \tab C.\ul0 \tab Recording Secretary -\ul0 \tab \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab D.\ul0 \tab Publications Sales Director - John/Kay Ludi\par }\pard \fs24\fi-5040\li5040\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 1. Discuss Note Cards for members.}{\plain \fs24 \b \ul0 \tab \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab E.\ul0 \tab RVP Representative - J. Giles\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b V.\ul0 \tab Unfinished Business}{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b VI.\ul0 \tab New Business:}{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\s1\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 A.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab }{\plain \fs24 \b \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \b \tab }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b VII.\ul0 \tab Reports of Special Committees}{\plain \fs24 :\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab A.\ul0 \tab Operations Manual - Chr. E. Roy Epperson, M. Lowe, J. Plank\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab B.\ul0 \tab Non-profit Incorporation Tax Exempt Status (501{\u169\'a9})(3)) - Chr R. Plank, E. Roy Epperson\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab C.\ul0 \tab Ad-Hoc Committee, Racetrack Design for AIS Logo - Chr J. Jones, M. Lowe\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab D.\ul0 \tab Ad Hoc Committee, CD creation - J. Jones, Chair\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }{\plain \fs24 \b \par }{\plain \fs24 \b \par }{\plain \fs24 \b \par }{\plain \fs24 \par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b VIII.\ul0 \tab Reports of Standing Committees:\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \ul0 \tab A.\ul0 \tab Affiliates - B. Kasperek\par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Affiliate Contest - N. Pocklington\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab B.\ul0 \tab Awards - E. Roy Epperson\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab C.\ul0 \tab Calendars - \par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Discussion of Future Issues\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab D.\ul0 \tab Convention Liaison - P. Gossett\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab E.\ul0 \tab Donations Secretary - D. James\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab F.\ul0 \tab Electronic Services - J. Jones\par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Webmaster - C. Hollinshead\par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 2.\ul0 \tab Offsite storage policy for important documents\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab G.\ul0 \tab Exhibitions - \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab H.\ul0 \tab Grants for Scientific Research - Dr. B. Shear\par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Resignation of Chair\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\s3\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 I.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Historical Resource - A. Lowe\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab J.\ul0 \tab Honorary Awards - T. Aitken, B. Jones, K. Keppel, M. Lowe\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab K.\ul0 \tab Insurance - M. Snyder\par }\pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Status of umbrella coverage.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab L.\ul0 \tab Judges - J. Keisling\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab M.\ul0 \tab Judges Handbook Revision Committee - R. Epperson, H. Crick, H. Nichols\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab N.\ul0 \tab Librarian - K. McNames\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 1.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Approval of Silent Auction Items for 2005 Convention.\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 2.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Proposed 5-year contract for Library Space with the City of Silverton\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab O.\ul0 \tab New Historical Iris Chronicles - C. Mahan\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab P.\ul0 \tab Policy - B. Roberts \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab Q.\ul0 \tab Public Relations & Marketing - J. Poling\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab R.\ul0 \tab Publications - M. Mark\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab S.\ul0 \tab Robins - L. Cross\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 {\plain \fs24 1.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Electronic Robins - S. Boyce\par }\pard \fs24\s2\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 2.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Status of {\u8220\'93}New Robin{\u8221\'94} brochures\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \par }\sect \sectd \sbknone\marglsxn720\margrsxn720\pgndec\headery1440\footery1440\endnhere\endnhere {\footer { \posxc\nowrap \plain \fs24 Page -{\field{\*\fldinst { PAGE }}}-\par} \par} {\*\pnseclvl1\pndec\pnstart1\pnhang{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl2\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnhang{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl3\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnhang{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl4\pndec\pnstart1\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl5\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}} {\*\pnseclvl7\pndec\pnstart1\pnhang{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnhang{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnhang} \pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 \tab T.\ul0 \tab RVP Counselor - L. Carson\par \pard \fs24 \par \pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 \tab U.\ul0 \tab Scientific - Dr. Chandler Fulton\par \pard \fs24\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 \tab \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Resignation of Chair\par \pard \fs24 \par \pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 \tab V.\ul0 \tab Section Liaison - J. Morris\par \pard \fs24 \par \pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 \tab W.\ul0 \tab Silent Auction - R. Gormley\par \pard \fs24 \tab \par \pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 \tab X.\ul0 \tab Slides/CD - B. Mull\par \pard \fs24\s2\fi-2160\li2160\tx720\tx1440\tx2160 1.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab Proposed Change in Slide Program Responsibility\par \pard \fs24 \par \pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 \tab Y.\ul0 \tab Surplus Bulletins - A. Violette\par \pard \fs24 \par \pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 \tab Z.\ul0 \tab Symposium - G. Snyder\par \pard \fs24 \par \pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 \tab AA.\ul0 \tab Youth - C. Deaton\par \pard \fs24 \par \par \pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b IX.\ul0 \tab Report of the Nominating Committee }{\plain \fs24 - R. Epperson, Chr, B. Roberts, B. Filardi, G. Spoon, W. Plotner}{\plain \fs24 \b \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \b \par }\pard \fs24\s1\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b X.\ul0 \tab Balloting for nominees to fill regular Directorship terms which expire in 2008\par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \ul0 \tab 1.\ul0 \tab Adjournment to Executive Session\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab 2.\ul0 \tab Re-convene and resume open session\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab 3.\ul0 \tab Announcement of nominees:\par }\pard \fs24\fi-5760\li5760\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab a.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab b.\par }\pard \fs24\fi-5760\li5760\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760 {\plain \fs24 \tab \tab c.\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab d.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \tab \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b XI.\ul0 \tab Nominating Committee Appointments: - J. Plank}{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-5760\li5760\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760 {\plain \fs24 \tab 1.\ul0 \tab AIS Board\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab 4. RVP\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-5760\li5760\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760 {\plain \fs24 \tab 2.\ul0 \tab AIS Board\ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab \ul0 \tab 5. Sec. Rep.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab 3.\ul0 \tab RVP\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b XII.\ul0 \tab Announcements - }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\fs24\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab A.\ul0 \tab Fall Meeting - }{\field{\*\fldinst { HYPERLINK "mailto:Lrkerston@aol.com" }}{\fldrslt{{\*\cs4\ul\cf2 mailto:Lrkerston@aol.com}}}}{\plain \fs24 Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 4 - 6, 2005. Bill Dougherty, Chair, \softline wmdougherty@cs.com.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-1440\li1440\tx720\tx1440 {\plain \fs24 \tab B.\ul0 \tab Many thanks to Riley Probst and Shirley Trio and their Region 18 Committee members as hosts \softline for this National Convention held in St. Louis, Missouri.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }{\plain \fs24 \par }\pard \fs24\fi-720\li720\tx720 {\plain \fs24 \b XIII.\ul0 \tab Meeting adjourned at }{\plain \fs24 _____________________________.\par }\pard \fs24 {\plain \fs24 \par }{\plain \fs24 \par }{\plain \fs24 \par }}