From: To: Subject: Robin Report Date: Sunday, April 10, 2005 6:07 AM ROBIN REPORT MAY, 2005 Time marches on , and I get older, but not much wiser, so my computer skills leave much to be desired. This fact puts a crimp in my ability to handle the E-Robins effectively, so we now have Co-Chair Susan Boyce to take on that department. My role remains with the "paper" Robins, which do continue to exist, but are not growing as rapidly as they used to. I've had no requests for new Robins since the beginning of 2004. We did have one of our International Robins rescued from extrinction this year, by Director Lucy Burton, who got it restarted. Because my current "caretaker" status, keeps me from attending meetings, I tend to lose track of some changes in AIS, so perhaps I missed something when the post of Membership. Chair, sadly had to be rearranged. I have tried to find out whether the Robin Brochures are still being sent to new members. They used to go out ,from me to the Membership Chair, at the rate of two hundred at a time, about twice a year, to be included in each "New Member Packet" I have not received any request for these pamphlets in over a year. I have nearly a thousand of them on hand. I hope they will not go to waste, and I sincerely hope this does not signal a shortage of new members! Respectfully submited, Libby A. Cross