{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg10000\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\f0\fs32 IDEAS FOR CHAIRMEN\par \pard\ul\fs24 Affiliate Chairman:\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080\ulnone 1)\tab An Affiliate census is desirable to learn:\par \pard\fi-360\li1800\tx1800 a.\tab How many non-AIS members in each affiliate?\par \pard\fi-360\li1800 b.\tab How many shows does each Affiliate average a year?\par c.\tab How many rhizome sales does each Affiliate average a year.?\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 2)\tab Find the oldest Affiliate in US still functioning\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 3)\tab Find oldest Affiliate in each Region\par 4)\tab Tally the number of new Affiliates formed within a 12 month period, and identify where they are located\par 5)\tab Promote the featuring of landmark Affiliate anniversaries in the Bulletin such as was done for the Sidney B Mitchell Affiliate (CA) on page 15, 10/03 AIS Bulletin\par 6)\tab Encourage each Affiliate to distribute \ldblquote The 2005 Survey\rdblquote questionnaire\par \pard\fi360\li720 to all -- AIS and non-AIS -- members of their group, or consider including\par \pard\fi720\li360 it as part of their club Newsletter.\par \pard\ul\par Affiliate Contest Chairman:\par \ulnone\tab 1) Find a way to achieve greater promotion for the Contest.\par \pard\li1440 Ex: Attending Spring Convention Affiliate\rquote s Meeting to promote the contest\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 7)\tab Follow up contest\rquote s close with an article in the Bulletin about what top achievers do to participate in the contest (perhaps with pictures).\par \pard\ul\par Awards Chairman:\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080\ulnone 1)\tab Continue to streamline the Awards Banquet presentations.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Continue to evaluate current Awards categories \endash ex: should numbers of eligible irises per year be reduced in some categories (HMs)?\par \pard\par \ul AIS Calendar\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080\ulnone 1)\tab The calendar in 2006 will be dedicated to Olive Waters.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Do we wish to have AIS Calendars \ldblquote produced\ldblquote by a company that does this as a business?\par 3)\tab Will overseeing the Calendar\rquote s production now return to the office of Public Relations?\par \pard\par \ul Convention Liaison\ulnone\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Fall Meetings \endash can we do them ourselves \endash if so, how?\par \pard\fi-360\li1800\tx1800 a.\tab Stagger the geographic location: Example\par \pard\fi720\li1440 East \par Midwest\par West\par \pard\tab\tab\tab Midwest\par \tab\tab\tab East..Etc.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 2)\tab Evaluate \ldblquote alternating\rdblquote annual AIS Spring Conventions with rotating Section conventions.\par \pard\par Convention Liaison (continued)\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 3)\tab Evaluate how the stress of AIS Conventions can be lessened for sponsoring\par \pard\li720 groups.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 4)\tab How much does AIS want to emphasize holding down costs for conventioneers\par 5)\tab How much does AIS want to emphasize working for a reduction in the number of gardens on tour at a National?\par \pard\par Donations Secretary\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Should the DonSec be an AIS Liaison (non-voting) to the Foundation\rquote s Board?\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Should the DonSec work with PR Chair for development of fund raising promotions?\par \pard\tx1080\par \ul Electronic Services\ulnone\par \pard\li720\tx1080 1)\tab Arranging a web page where AIS Official Minutes can be posted.\par 2)\tab Evaluate posting of a variety of other AIS business \endash for instance -- ease of usage.\par \pard\tx1080\par \pard\ul Exhibition Chairman:\ulnone\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Request indication on Show Schedule whether or not the applicant will need to show proof of insurance.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Request indication on Show Schedule whether or not the applicant has been requested to provide insurance coverage in an amount larger than that provided by AIS.\par 3)\tab Consolidate exhibition functions into a chairpair under ONE roof if possible.\par \pard\par Foundation Liaison:\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Consider making this an \ldblquote exchange\rdblquote Board position. Like RVPs, Liaison is selected from the Foundation to be the Foundation voice on the AIS Board.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Consider making Donations Secretary a similar exchange position. Donations secretary would serve as the AIS voice on the Foundation\rquote s Board.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 3)\tab It is VERY important to coordinate these two important groups \endash the AIS and the AIS Foundation -- so that their efforts are more efficient and their undertakings better coordinated.\par 4)\tab Consider creating an AIS Scientific Committee that includes the President of the Foundation along with 4 other AIS members with very strong scientific backgrounds.\par \pard\li720\par \pard Grants/Scientific research Committee\par \tab See under \ldblquote Scientific,\rdblquote and \ldblquote Foundation Liaison\rdblquote\par \par Historical Resource\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab The above name and the job description that goes with it do not seem to reflect each other. Is a new name in order or a different job description? \par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Does this position interact, overlap or duplicate with Librarian work in historic research?\par \pard\par Honorary Awards.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Provide brief printed guidelines to each Board member so each may understand the criteria for the voting choices they must make.\par 2)\tab Should there be a policy about quantity awarded in a given year for these awards?\par 3)\tab Form a policy about publishing these awards in the Bulletin.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 4)\tab Include as Honorary Awards Chair duties, sending a list of the winners to the Bulletin Editor and securing winners Bios for publication.\par 5)\tab President notifies the winners, Chair notifies the Editor with bio material \par \pard\li720\par \pard Insurance\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Census needed to gather numbers on who uses insurance -- coordinate with Affiliates chairman and RVP Counselor.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Objective evaluation of service provided relative to cost\par 3)\tab Is there a way to get a clear picture of the financial drain insurance will impose on AIS\par 4)\tab Is there a way to get a clear picture of the ramifications of continuing insurance for Affiliates? Of discontinuing insurance for Affiliates? \par 5)\tab Is there a way to c ompare costs to AIS if AIS Conventions must be insured separately?\par \pard\par Judges Training\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Does AIS need to address and try to resolve the problem of standardizing JT requirements across Regions?\par \pard\par JT Handbook Revision\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Should this standing committee be overseen by the JT Chairman or should it be a separate chair?\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Should there be more standardization between groups (TB, SIB, LA, etc) when it comes to point scoring breakouts? Not the points per value, but the values listed?\par 3)\tab Should the Sections (Medians, Sibs, LAs, Arils, etc.) have real and final say over what is in the handbook about their section?\par \pard \par AIS Library\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Should the Library serve as a collecting point for the historic evaluation of all documents & publications donated to the AIS. Then, when indicated, should these items be offered for sale in or disposed of through the Silent Auction?\par 2)\tab As AIS continues to pursue Foreign Society publication exchanges, an up-to-date list of those we receive should be available to AIS Board members?\par \pard\par New Historical Chronicles\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Main question \endash does this continue to be a viable, ongoing activity?\par 2)\tab Who will make up its readership?\par \pard\par Policy\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab What can be done to make accessing policy more convenient for any AIS Board member or member?\par \pard\par Public Relations\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Need to make more readily available the handbook \ldblquote How to Start an Affiliate\rdblquote by use of a webpage link, or to have the handbook offered through the storefront. (Work with Affiliates Chair on this.)\par 2)\tab Is there an ongoing effort to send, on a regular basis, information about the AIS organization, its origins, its goals, etc. to garden magazine Editors (see \ldblquote Horticulture\rdblquote )\par \pard\li720\par \pard Registrations and Recorder \par \pard\li720 (No suggestions, this time)\par \pard\par Robins\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Need to accentuate e-lines by publicizing the topics covered by the Robins\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Need to publish excerpts from the Robins in an AIS Bulletin Flight Lines column\par 3)\tab An Editor for Flight Lines is an important need.\par \pard\par RVP Counselor and RVP Rep.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab Need to coordinate the two positions for effectiveness. Ask for job descriptions from Roy and then compare and go from there.\par \pard\fi-360\li1080 2)\tab Consult with Patricia Randall.\par \pard\par Scientific\par \pard\fi-360\li1080\tx1080 1)\tab There is a clear need to consolidate the two scientific oriented committees, bring into the fold the Bulletin Scientific Editor, and either make one large scientific overseeing group or clearly define what jurisdiction or distinction each group has. A scientific review committee is needed for Bulletin material.\par 2)\tab AIS scholarship and grants work needs to be coordinated with the work and activities of The AIS Foundation\par 3)\tab The entire area of AIS scientific activity (including the Foundation) needs to be evaluated.\par \pard\par \pard\li720\par \pard Silent Auction\par \pard\fi720 (No suggestions, this time)\par \pard\li720\par \pard Section Liaison\par \pard\fi-360\li1800\tx1800 1)\tab Investigate the impact of changing \ldblquote Section\rdblquote to \ldblquote Associate.\rdblquote\par 2)\tab Collect and report on Section needs, views and activities.\par \pard\fi-360\li1800 3)\tab Change name of position from Liaison to\rdblquote Coordinator\rdblquote\par \pard\par Slides (Rename \rdblquote AIS Programs\rdblquote )\par \pard\fi-360\li1800\tx1800 1)\tab Divide \ldblquote Slides\rdblquote into two sections -- Digital Programs and Slide Programs.\par \pard\fi-360\li1800 2)\tab Slides chair would over see the care of the already set up AIS Slides programs.\par 3)\tab The Digital Chair would continue to compile, assemble and send out digital programs.\par 4)\tab One of these two persons would act as the program resource. This person would maintain a list of speakers available to give presentations to both AIS and non- AIS groups. A \ldblquote Speakers Bureau.\rdblquote\par \pard\par \pard\fi720 Surplus Bulletins \par \pard\fi720\li720 (No suggestions, this time)\tab\par \pard\fi720\par Symposium\par \pard\fi-360\li1800\tx1800\tx1890 1)\tab Working together with each section that conducts a symposium, compile symposium results from all groups into an annual booklet, available to members and for sale to non-members. \par \pard\par \pard\fi720 Youth\par \pard\fi-360\li1800\tx1800 1)\tab Through utilization of the generous donations from Texas to both youth funds, expand the amounts of the existing awards or create new activities to attract youth involvement.\par 2)\tab Consider sponsoring a youth contest for. attending the Portland Convention The winner would receive the cost of the convention registration fee and their stay at the convention hotel as their prize..\par \pard\par \tab\par \par }