{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24\par REPORT OF THE AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY FOUNDATION: APRIL, 2005\par \par The Foundation is having the same financial problems as the AIS. The CDs, on which we rely for our funding, have reached an all time low in yield. In the past we were able to lock in some 6% rates but in the last few years rates have declined to 2% and less. Because our CDs are staggered in maturity, they come due at different times. For the last year, they only brought in about $8,200. Our awards and other expenditures are based on that figure. If we subtract our usual expenses for the year, that will only allow $7,500.00 for awards and gifts. Fortunately, interest rates are rising again. I have been able to get 4% on some CDs and hopefully next year we will have more money to fulfill our commitments.\par \par We have received reports of their work over the past year from Drs. Rodionenko and Blazek, and copies are here for you to look at. Dr. Rodionenko has completed and submitted a major work on \rdblquote Irises: origin, evolution, taxonomy. Part 2. Bearded-cristate irises\rdblquote and is close to finishing one on \ldblquote The life of the seed\rdblquote . Dr. Blazek used his funding to expand the species bearded iris collection at Pruhonice, develop collaborations with several other European irisarians, upgrade computer equipment and attend a scientific meeting. Dr. Carol Wilson has reported good progress in her project on \ldblquote Systematic Studies in the Beardless Irises, section Limniris, from North America and Asia\rdblquote and will send a detailed report that should be here before our meeting in May.\par \par Our pending requests for continuing funding are:\par \pard{\pntext\f0 1\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlbody\pnf0\pnindent360\pnstart1\pndec } \fi-360\li720\tx720 Dr. Rodionenko has been supported for several years at $2,200 per year and requests continuing support for his work on iris evolution and taxonomy with particular focus on developing an article on the array of Iris genera that may be of special use for breeders dealing with wide hybridization. \par \pard{\pntext\f0 2\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlbody\pnf0\pnindent360\pnstart2\pndec } \fi-360\li720\tx720 Dr. Blazek was given a grant of $3,600 to help support his work on at the Pruhonice garden last year. He is requesting up to $2,500 further to continue his project including purchase of a digital camera and printer, and attendance at the 2006 AIS convention. However, it seems that a considerable part of the initial funding is currently uncommitted and he still has $2387 left to spend.\par \pard{\pntext\f0 3\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlbody\pnf0\pnindent360\pnstart3\pndec } \fi-360\li720\tx720 Dr. Wilson originally was approved for $14,000 to support her project on iris molecular systematics. We gave her $4,500 last year with the intention to send the rest over the next two years ($4,500 then $5,000). \par \pard If we fully fund all three of these requests, we will be over budget by $1,700.\par \par Keith McNames has also sent a request to update the computer at the AIS library. I asked Keith what the computer was used for; so the Foundation would have a good idea how to proceed with the request for funds. His reply: \ldblquote\'85the current Gateway computer is outdated and just doesn\rquote t have the speed or capacity to even allow me to install the current AOL 9.0 Security addition. It keeps knocking me off the 8.0 version.\rdblquote His research showed that the cost of a new computer and screen could be over $2,000. If the computer is only used for access to the internet, as stated in his e-mail to me, a computer at Best Buy for around $500 would suffice. Keith asked for the funds to come from the Evelyn Jones Memorial Library Fund. Enclosed you will see a list of all the donations that have been made to the Fund from its inception, with a total of $3,305.00. Also enclosed is a list of what the Fund has previously paid to the Library for a computer, printers and scanner, which amounts to $4,287.94. The Foundation has therefore already provided the library with almost $1,000.00 more than the Library Fund total. \par \par These requests for funding will have to be resolved at our meeting at noon on Wednesday, May 11th.\par \par Respectfully submitted,\par \~\par Roger P. Mazur\par Secretary/Treasurer\par \par }